It's about time I really learned to paint portraits. As anybody who follows me knows, I believe anybody can learn to paint and draw. I guess that means that I can learn to paint better portraits. It just takes practice. Here is my progress so far.
I draw animals and objects, not people. If I draw people, I'm quickly sketching in my sketchbook to tell a story. It's about time I really learned to paint portraits. As anybody who follows me knows, I believe anybody can learn to paint and draw. I guess that means that I can learn to paint better portraits. It just takes practice. Here is my progress so far.
Learning about plane shifts in the face.
completing my first subtractive charcoal portrait.
My mentor showing me where I got the axis and perspective wrong.
Underpainting in oil.
Subtractive underpainting technique.
My mentor showing me where I got the axis and perspective wrong. Better than the charcoal! I'm learning.
Adding opaque paint. She is starting to look like a linebacker. I have a tendency to really make big jaws!
Input from my mentor showing me where I messed up on the jaw line and cheek. I'll post the finished painting. eventually.